Tuesday, October 4, 2011

City Properties
Can Nashville's built environment yield a healthier citizenry?

Friday, September 30, 2011 at 4:25pm

By Christine Kreyling

It is evident in this article that Christine Kreyling is using the same old tired Obamamaniacal socialist cronyism to influence municipal planning. Let’s read her article with the knowledge that she lives in East Nashville and makes her living off of back-to-the-urban marketing.

C. Kreyling intentionally misread and misinterprets that causes of obesity all for the sake of greed.

People know that it is the failed social movements of the 60’s and the failed Obama administration that makes people fat. Socialism makes people dependent on the people who greedily exploit the dire economic conditions they created. Selfish self-expression breeds criminality and homelessness.

C. Kreyling thinks she is “fringe-y” and the planning pros had to play catch up. The truth is that taking over the real-estate market is no more avant grade than Obama taking over the healthcare industry. It is exactly the same.

The “issue” or “crisis” or “injustice” is not the point. The point is monetary control and profit based in greed. C. Kreyling is just using municipal planning as her method to achieve that control and profit.

C. Kreyling quotes new-urban special-interest publications for the willing idiots. It is the same cocktail party banter designed to trigger bobble-head agreement amongst all the like-minded government workers and Nashville Civic Design Center members. However, don’t doubt that her “corrective steps” will happen. They will affect you and your property values if you live in the suburbs. Her community activism is affecting many people outside of the UZO right now and they don’t know it.

Would you like to live in a nice house on a cul-de-sac? You can’t. The Metro Planning Department said that if they allow cul-de-sacs the lack of connectivity will cause your kids to shoot-up their high schools.

C. Kreyling is proud that the money she is using to correct us comes from Obama stimulus money. Only a greedy person would steal from my grandchildren to profit from a real-estate market influence scheme.

Gary Gatson and Patricia Conway of the NCDC and C. Kreyling are going to go into their patcholi filled back room and decide to charge suburban Nashvilleans to increase the real-estate values of downtown and east Nashville. That sounds really fair and transparent.

Their action and results are indisputable not because they are required or true but because you are not allowed to dispute their actions or results. The NCDC center is a publicly-funded private club. You cannot attend meetings unless you are a member or you pay a meeting fee. Meetings are all held downtown.

Any FBI report will show that living downtown is dangerous and dirty. All of the maladies C. Kreyling sites also exist in urban areas. Add robbery, burglary, assault, sexual assault, alcoholism, drug abuse and homelessness to the diseases she lists. Now ask yourself, “How kind of person is so greedy that they want people to live in destitution just to make a profit on a real-estate market influence scheme?”

When C. Kreyling and the urban planners see fat out their windows they see money filling their wallets. Their wallet obesity has outpaced the weight gain of Nashville citizens. You can’t say no to this community activism. C. Kreyling will not allow you to act individually. You are costing her money if you are not under her control.

Metro Health Department director Bill Paul doesn’t believe individuals will ever “…get involved in exercise that requires setting aside special time, changing clothes and going to a special place,…”. I guess he is against having lockers, showers and changing rooms for those few people who ride their bikes to work.

I live in the suburbs and I’m about the same age as Mayor Dean Metro Planning Director Bernhardt. I would be happy to compare our BMI’s. I think I would win.

B. Paul thinks kids should walk or ride their bikes to school, to the store and to the bus. Do his kids do that? Do Mayor Dean’s kids do that? I doubt it. Would you be more concerned about your kids being choked by the exhaust of a minivan or choked by a criminal and thrown in a minivan while walking to school?

Ever since WWII we have had the resources and freedom to escape the dirty, dangerous cities. In fact, since the dawn of civilization every citizen has fled the dirty, dangerous cities when their means allowed them to get out. C. Kreyling wants to further exploit the financial ruin of the middle-class to force the population under her control and increase her profit. Isn’t that the living definition of greed?

The rest of this article is the standard obscuration that only fools the willing and ignorant. The important part is at the end. NCDC executive director Julia Landstreet says (as she cashes her $7.5 million stimulus check), “What we’re looking for isn’t more spending,”.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011